The Goatworks Program

Team Meet and Bleat 2017The three-year GoatWorks Pilot Project was established to explore the use of goat browse an alternative weed management tool on City parkland. The project further aims to connect with Edmontonians to build a better understanding of the City’s integrated pest management practices. The benefits of this pilot, if successful, will have a positive impact on the environment (such as reduced carbon emissions from not mowing, less use of herbicide, …

Green Way My Way – Sustainable Commuting at Momentum

Lorraine 3Momentum is striving to become a leader in the field of supporting employees to sustainably commute to work. As a not-for-profit, community organization, Momentum has made significant effort to promote more sustainable commuting for employees through a sustainable commuter bonus and creative staff awards to celebrate sustainable commuting – the good, bad and just plain boring of commuting to work by walking, riding a bike or taking transit. The …

NSERC TRIA-Net: Turning Risk Into Action

DSC01984The NSERC TRIA-Network: turning risk into action (2013-2018) for the Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic was founded in the TRIA Project which ran from 2007-2012. The collective focus of the TRIA Networks was deciphering the MPB complex using sophisticated research methodologies and communication. Heightened concern over the extent to which the MPB infestation could affect Alberta’s pine forests prompted an immediate coordinated response. It was envisaged there would be significant …

Alberta Tomorrow: Planning for a Better Future

IMG_3204The Alberta Tomorrow Foundation ( is an eco-hero because to date it has educated more than 12 000 Albertans on land-use and has given many students exposure to critical, real life, environmentally sensitive decisions being made in Alberta. Alberta Tomorrow is a free, online, educational tool that educates Albertans on the importance of sustainable land-use planning. Alberta Tomorrow is critically reviewed and has a board …

Natural Asset Mapping: A strong tool for effective local and regional conservation planning, protection and stewardship

unnamedWith the release of the Government of Alberta’s Primary Land and Vegetation Inventory (PLVI) in 2010, over 75% of rural Alberta was described by this and other provincial land-cover inventories. While the project mapped rural parts of the province, densely populated urban areas were simply classified as combinations of residential or industrial development and neglected to recognize municipal natural assets such as stormwater ponds and urban agriculture which provide …

Suncana Energy

Sunaca Group TeamSuncana Energy has developed the Grid Guard system, a smart micro-grid technology that is portable. These systems are built in Calgary using revectored oil and gas instrumentation personnel. Suncana is innovating new tech that will be part of the next generation in renewable power. They are currently nationally recognized trainers for the safe installation, system design and CSA certification of solar.

“Dream big and take a small step”, The Calgary Zoo’s Commitment to being a conservation organization and the need to operate and educate in sustainability and environmental management.

The Green Team Council’s contributions to environmental protection have focused on reducing land pollution, education of the zoo community and environmental resource management. The zoo’s sustainability efforts have developed and expanded with the overarching goal to continue to create a more sustainable future for the organization while taking action for wildlife and wild places. Building off this philosophy and with our passionate advocates at the helm, we started taking …

David Owen Trew, Lifetime Achievement in Water Resource Management

Dave Trew has recently retired after a 50-year career as a water scientist, including 44 years in Alberta as a government scientist and as the executive director of the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance. Over the course of his time in Alberta, Dave led or participated in numerous important studies and initiatives to protect lakes, rivers, and wetlands in Alberta, along with the species they are home to. Dave’s bibliography includes … Let’s Not Waste!

Emerald2-0002Sustainable Produce Urban Delivery (SPUD) sources and delivers local groceries to their customer’s doorsteps. Since expanding to Alberta in 2005, the company has modelled how a social enterprise can “change the world, one bite at a time”.

Part of SPUD’s commitment to sustainability has been to model how food waste can be minimized in innovative ways. Pre-ordered online purchases mean no in-store displays …

Empower Me Alberta

Emerald2-0001More than one in five of Albertan households pay more than double the national average of the percentage of their income on their utility bills. Empower Me, Alberta’s first energy efficiency program targeted at hard-to-reach communities, bridges cultural and language gaps by informing people from multilingual, multicultural, and vulnerable communities about important energy and utility consumer protection education. Michelle Riccetto, Business Development Manager at Empower Me, …