Posts Categorized: Recipient

Green Building Technologies Lab and Demonstration Centre

SAIT ARIS Green Building Technologies

SAITSAIT’s Green Building Technologies (GBT) Lab and Demonstration Centre is Calgary’s first net-zero commercial building—a living research lab that is an innovative example for the green building and structure sector to see, feel and understand how to design, build and live more sustainably. Working with government and industry partners and available for research and development to post-secondary students (capstone projects) and for public tours, the GBT Lab is getting ...

Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre Education Program

Alberta Environment and Parks

Your Day, Your WayCalgary students and residents know the gem they have in the Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre. For over 35 years, its home in a 1,300 hectare urban park has connected people with nature: the birds, animals and landscape not only create an outdoor classroom for 15,000 students each year, it’s also a space for the 180,000 residents in 18 communities bordering the park to enjoy cycling or a walk. ...

Mission Replant Fort McMurray


EcoYOLOFort McMurray junior high students Chintan Desai and Krish Shah aren’t your everyday 14 year-olds. After wildfires ravaged the area in 2016, the pair—who had already been part of the RM of Wood Buffalo’s Green Teen program—wanted to do something to help replenish what nature had taken away. The result was Eco YOLO: Eco, for the environment, and YOLO, because you only live once, so protect the planet, explain ...

Waterton Biosphere – Carnivores and Communities Program

Waterton Biosphere Reserve

Waterton Biosphere Reserve_2Government, land owners, producers—it’s tough to bring people and groups together and agree on how to address a problem. In this case, it’s about the increasing conflicts between large carnivores and agricultural land users in southwest Alberta. But, using neighbour-to-neighbour coffee table discussions and with research and government support, the Waterton Biosphere Reserve’s Carnivores and Communities Program (CACP) is successfully tackling the complex issue of human/wildlife conflict with a ...

Redemptive Developments

Emerald RD team picture 2When Redemptive Developments (RD) started as a social enterprise in Edmonton seven years ago, its aim was to create employment, help diminish poverty and invest in the community. Becoming one of the biggest mattress recyclers in Western Canada was never on the radar. 

But that’s what has happened. In 2011, under the umbrella of its charity, The Jasper Place Wellness Centre (JPWC), partners from business and social ...

Sustainability Program

Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise

Located on the shores of one of the world’s most picturesque lakes, the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise is tasked with minimizing its impact on the environment it inhabits. Through innovative practices and employee engagement, the hotel rises above and beyond expectations, becoming a role model for the hotel industry around the globe.

Some of the initiatives at the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise include: an extensive recycling ...

Bullfrog Power

Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading green energy provider, offers individuals and businesses clean, renewable energy solutions. By choosing Bullfrog Power’s green energy, Canadians can reduce their environmental impact, support the development of new, community-based renewable energy projects across the country and help transition Canada to a cleaner, healthier future. Together with its customers, Bullfrog is helping to reshape the energy landscape in Canada. When homes or businesses sign up ...

Alternative Energy Technology Program


NAIT’s Alternative Energy Technology program was launched in 2011 with the goal of developing highly skilled, specialized workers to fill roles in Alberta’s nascent renewable energy and energy efficiency industries. The interdisciplinary program focuses on technical design and project development in areas as diverse as solar PV, biorefining, geothermal and energy management. Based on these bedrock technologies, students are able to create hybrid systems tailored to both the ...

Advancing Environmental and Energy Education in Alberta

Alberta Council for Environmental Education (ACEE)


The Alberta Council for Environmental Education (ACEE), a non-profit with charitable status, just celebrated the end of its first decade. Their mission is to work in collaboration with others to advance environmental education in Alberta. In 2005, they engaged the community across Alberta who created the “Framework to Advance Environmental Education in Alberta,” which provided a blueprint for ACEE’s work: annual provincial environmental education conferences ...

Decentralised Energy Canada

In 2001, Alberta’s electricity market fully deregulated. Industry saw an opportunity for Decentralised Energy (DE) to substantially reduce emissions, energy costs and system losses while diversifying Alberta’s economy and creating jobs. In response, a small group of stakeholders established Decentralised Energy Canada (DEC) to connect and support businesses in the DE industry and to drive a paradigm shift from a carbon intensive, centralised energy system to a cleaner, ...