
  • Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition: Working Together to Protect the North Saskatchewan River Valley

    The Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition (ERVCC) supports the conservation and restoration of Edmonton’s North Saskatchewan River valley and ravine system through a systems-level focus on biodiversity, the ecological integrity of the corridor, and history. This philosophy reflects the river valley bylaw, which states its first goal: “to ensure the preservation of the natural character…

  • Highfield Regenerative Farm: Growing an alternative food community on a foundation of healthy soil

    Highfield Regenerative Farm (HRF) is located on 15 acres in the heart of an industrial community in the city of Calgary. In partnership with the Compost Council of Canada and the City of Calgary, the HRF is transforming under-utilized industrial land into a vibrant and productive urban farm through soil revitalization, food production and community programming. The HRF…

  • Vermilion River Watershed Restoration and Enhancement Project

    In the spirit of shared environmental goals and collaboration, the Vermilion River Watershed Alliance (VRWA) worked with local, agricultural landowners, municipalities, and students to enhance and restore over 20 kilometres of riparian areas along the Vermilion River, creeks, and tributaries and 157 hectares of wetlands within the Vermilion River Watershed. In partnership with the North…

  • Happiness By The Acre

    We are working on multiple fronts to improve soil health, water health, wildlife habitat, local economics, and improve food quality and security within Alberta. Within that framework we have the following core activities: Holistic Planned Rotational Grazing of cattle and poultry. Ethical, humane, and low-stress livestock practices. Extensive riparian and wildlife protection. Extensive installation of…

  • Dale Hodges Park

    Dale Hodges Park is at once a stormwater facility, a public park and an art installation. That threefold purpose was born out of the City of Calgary’s WATERSHED+ program, which brings together planners from Parks and Water Resources as well as artists from Public Art. Artists like Tristan Surtees of Sans façon. “The idea was…

  • Piper Creek Restoration Agriculture Project

    The Piper Creek Restoration Agriculture Project (PCRAP) is a publicly accessible site demonstrating riparian restoration and urban agriculture on the edge of Red Deer. Working together under a shared vision of “Cultivating a healthy environment for all creatures from soil to sky” the PCRA Project is a collaboration between many partners: The City of Red…

  • Using NetMap for Alberta’s Watersheds

    Government and Watershed Councils have the complicated task of managing Alberta’s watersheds in a very busy landscape. The Water Program at fRI Research, through the work of Axel Anderson and Michael Wagner, has developed a tool to make the job easier. They have customized the GIS platform NetMap to work for Alberta’s watersheds, so it…

  • The Goatworks Program

    The three-year GoatWorks Pilot Project was established to explore the use of goat browse an alternative weed management tool on City parkland. The project further aims to connect with Edmontonians to build a better understanding of the City’s integrated pest management practices. The benefits of this pilot, if successful, will have a positive impact on…

  • fRI Research Grizzly Bear Program

    The Grizzly Bear Program (GBP) was created at fRI Research in 1998 to provide knowledge and planning tools to land and resource managers to ensure the long-term conservation of grizzly bears in Alberta. Under the guidance of Program Lead Gordon Stenhouse, the GBP has become widely recognized for excellent science, practical solutions, and strong partnerships….

  • Finding Common Ground: Exploring Energy Options and Opportunities in the Battle River Watershed

    The Battle River Watershed Alliance (BRWA) has a focus that extends far beyond just its lakes and rivers. The non-profit develops innovative ways for the public to connect with broader issues that impact their watershed region. In 2017, the BRWA created a government sponsored project with three distinct parts: The Finding Common Ground bike tour,…