Creekwatch Citizen Science and Stewardship
Have you ever wondered where rain and snow melt goes beyond the storm drain? Some assume such water is treated and then sent out into the river, but that’s not the case. Now, thanks to CreekWatch, citizen scientists are finding out exactly what pollutants are in these water sources—everything from concrete and plastic to garbage…
Regional Industry Caribou Collaboration
The Regional Industry Caribou Collaboration (RICC) was born of necessity. Because boreal woodland caribou are a threatened species, and because their large ranges overlap with oil, gas and timber resources in Alberta, a group of energy and forestry companies in the Cold Lake and East Side Athabasca River (ESAR) caribou ranges of northeast Alberta chose…
NAIT Boreal Research Institute
Boreal Research Institute (BRI) was initiated in 1996 as a post-secondary – forest industry research partnership. Today, BRI has expanded to 14 industrial partners, five industry sectors; 11 research collaborators, and a wide range of field trials across the boreal region; including Shell Canada Limited (Peace River oil sands), West Fraser (Blue Ridge), Apache Canada…
Regional Industry Caribou Collaboration
Boreal woodland caribou populations are listed as “threatened” under Canada’s Species At Risk Act. In Alberta, their large ranges also overlap with significant oil, gas and timber resources. Due to their wide-ranging nature, caribou recovery requires a coordinated approach, implemented at the caribou range scale, to be most effective. The Regional Industry Caribou Collaboration (RICC)…
Foothills Stream Crossing Partnership
In 2005, a group of companies and government agencies came together under the umbrella of fRI Research with the goal of developing a better system to inventory, manage and repair stream crossings. The Foothills Stream Crossing Partnership (FSCP), a multi-industry partnership with the objective of improving the condition and performance of stream crossings by inventorying,…
Eagle Point – Blue Rapids Park Council
In 2005, when the local community wanted to bring better management of 56 square kilometers of land across the North Saskatchewan River, the Blue Rapids Park Council was born. The Council’s work includes environmental education, ecological monitoring and stewardship initiatives. They promote community ownership for local wild places and sound environmental practices. They believe that…
Beaver Hills Initiative
The Beaver Hills Initiative (BHI) is a multi-stakeholder collaboration comprised of four municipalities (Strathcona County, Lamont County, Beaver County, Leduc County), the federal and provincial governments, indigenous communities, academia, non-governmental organizations, and industry. Members came together in 2002 in recognition of the Beaver Hills’ distinct moraine landscape, to promote a bioregional approach to land management…
ALUS in Alberta
ALUS Canada is a community-led, farmer-delivered program that supports stewardship activities on agricultural lands. With the generous support of The W. Garfield Weston Foundation, ALUS programs are established in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Prince Edward Island—where it is run by the Province. In all ALUS communities, farmers and ranchers obtain support to enable them to produce…
Montane Elk Project
The Montane Elk Program is committed to research ensuring the environmentally sound development of Alberta’s energy resources. With a particular focus on mitigating the effects of energy development on elk in southwest Alberta, the project has become the world’s largest radiotelemetry study on elk. Mitigating the ecological effects of energy development is achieved by sharing…
Landscape Ecological Assessment and Planning (LEAP) and the Algar Restoration Pilot Project
Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) is an alliance of oil sands producers focused on accelerating the pace of improvement in environmental performance in Canada’s oil sands through collaborative action and innovation. The COSIA companies share a common commitment to environmental stewardship and have invested significant resources into innovative approaches to restore footprint and improve…
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- Alberta Emerald Foundation to share this year’s shortlist for Alberta’s unique environmental awards