The Goatworks Program

By: City of Edmonton

Team Meet and Bleat 2017The three-year GoatWorks Pilot Project was established to explore the use of goat browse an alternative weed management tool on City parkland. The project further aims to connect with Edmontonians to build a better understanding of the City’s integrated pest management practices. The benefits of this pilot, if successful, will have a positive impact on the environment (such as reduced carbon emissions from not mowing, less use of herbicide, etc.) as well as demonstrate land stewardship (resulting in a reduction of noxious weeds and improved air and water quality).

The Goat Pilot Program helps to achieve the following objectives:

  • Trial the efficacy of goats as a weed management tool on City parkland.
  • Provide education to park users and help to increase awareness of the environmental and economic benefits of the City’s integrated pest management practices.
  • Improve citizen satisfaction and understanding of the City’s integrated pest management practices.

Alberta Real Estate Foundation