Posts Categorized: Public Education and Outreach

Protecting Pollinators Through Community Collaboration

Edmonton and Area Land Trust

The Edmonton and Area Land Trust (EALT) is the only nature conservancy dedicated to preserving and restoring natural areas and rural landscapes throughout the greater Edmonton region. They work for public benefit and education to conserve our natural heritage, protect biodiversity, benefit wildlife and their habitat, maintain natural areas’ economic, health, and community benefits, and enhance the quality of life for residents and families. EALT’s Protecting Pollinators through ...

Eco-Leaders Program

The City of Calgary

Eco-Leaders, a youth environmental leadership program, aims to encourage innovative approaches to real-life environmental issues. The program invites students to develop eco-literacy and lifelong transferable skills in leadership, innovation, teamwork, and critical thinking. Its goal is to inspire and participate in the development of a generation of individuals who will innovate, champion and steward changes to protect from human-caused damage to the environment, the earth, and the life ...

Green Routine

Strathcona County Utilities – Public Utility, Municipal Government

The Green Routine is an innovative program created by Strathcona County with the goal to maximize waste diversion while inspiring community action. For nearly a decade, the program has aimed to increase waste diversion by focusing on public education and an understanding of the importance of proper waste disposal. This initiative offers several benefits to the economy, quality of life and environmental health of the community. Strathcona County uses community-based ...

The Master Naturalist Program

City of Edmonton

A seven-year wetland monitoring program; a growing network of solitary bee hotels; the multi-year stewardship of Roper Pond Natural Area; the TUNNEL Project (“Toward an Urban Network of Native Edible Landscaping”); the creation of the Edmonton Urban BioKit guide to local biodiversity – these projects are a small sample of the diverse volunteer work undertaken by over 200 Edmontonians who have graduated from the City of Edmonton’s Master Naturalist Program ...

The Classroom Energy Diet Challenge

The Royal Canadian Geographical Society

The Classroom Energy Diet Challenge is an educational program designed to increase energy awareness while improving energy literacy of Canadian students from K–12. Created by Canadian Geographic Education and sponsored by Shell Canada, it’s comprised of 25 energy-themed classroom activities that teach students about biodiversity, transportation, carbon footprints and more. Students and teachers actively address energy issues while working within their communities to learn how current renewable energy resources play ...

Green Energy Futures

This Alberta-based online multi-media storytelling project documents the clean energy revolution by sharing inspiring, fact-based stories of people engaged with clean energy solutions in their homes, businesses and communities. In three years, GEF has created the single-best collection of video, audio and written content on clean energy in Canada. This popular suite of online content has helped educators, individuals, entrepreneurs, civic leaders and media understand, appreciate and get involved with ...

Quest/Destination Conservation Program

ConocoPhillips Canada

Since 2007, ConocoPhillips Canada School Environmental Quest has partnered with the Elements Society to fund the Destination Conservation Program, assisting schools in fostering an eco-friendly culture by reducing their global footprint and establishing student-led environmental projects and programs. Supporting 145 schools annually in Alberta, northeastern British Columbia and the Northwest Territories, the program grants schools $1,000 to implement environmental and energy-saving programs, and provides resources and workshops to educators on ...

Youth Wavemakers

Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology

This unique program equips educators with resources, curriculum support and professional development workshops on local and global water issues, teaching youth about efficient water use, raising awareness, and inspiring independent action. In 2014, students involved in Youth Wavemakers conserved over 200,000 litres of water and reached over 14,000 Albertans with action projects on water and sanitation.  Youth Wavemakers also provides an annual Youth Summit, classroom workshops, and action grants for ...

Green Energy Futures

David Dodge and Duncan Kinney

Amidst the persistent bad news stories associated with climate change and fossil fuel use, a quiet revolution is taking place. People, places and businesses are embracing the transition to cleaner, greener forms of energy. Green Energy Futures is an online multimedia channel dedicated to covering that quiet revolution. They tell positive stories of those who are embracing the transformation of some of society’s largest and most entrenched systems. They tell ...

Teacher Professional Development Programs

Inside Education

Inside Education’s Teacher Professional Development Programs provide career-changing experiential learning opportunities for school teachers, community educators and career counselors. Since the first program in 1991, nearly 3,000 Alberta teachers have been immersed in the science, technology, issues and futures surrounding Alberta’s precious water, forest and energy resources. Visiting places like Fort McKay in the north and Pincher Creek in the south, Inside Education provides full-scholarship learning opportunities for educators across ...