For the past 50 years, Junior Achievement of Northern Alberta & NWT has engaged and inspired students from grades 3 to 12 in classrooms across Edmonton, Northern Alberta and the Northwest Territories. This has been possible thanks to the great partnerships with education and industry who recognize the importance of educating students about entrepreneurship, workforce readiness and financial literacy. Our approach allows volunteers to deliver our curriculum-based programs while sharing ...
Posts Categorized: Edmonton
Living by Water
Nature Alberta
In an ongoing effort to educate shoreline residents and communities on lake ecology and riparian health, the Living by Water program encourages responsible lake stewardship through promoting shoreline management. Advisors work one-on-one with residents to improve the condition of their watershed by evaluating their personal impact on water quality, shoreline health, and fish and wildlife habitat. To date, the program has reduced the use of fertilizer, pesticides, phosphate-containing ...
Designing for Wildlife Passage in an Increasingly Fragmented World
City of Edmonton
Habitat loss and fragmentation is the single largest threat to biodiversity conservation in an urban area. As large contiguous habitats are quickly converted into smaller more isolated remnants the value of maintaining functioning ecological connections between patches increases significantly. With the help of a multidisciplinary team, The City of Edmonton incorporated ecological infrastructure with human networks, creating the Wildlife Passage Engineering Design Guidelines (WPEDG), an educational publication that provides clear ...
The Alberta Aquatic Invasive Species Program
Alberta Environment & Sustainable Resource Development
In 2013, the Alberta government launched a pilot program focused on the “Crown of the Continent Ecosystem” in order to address the risks of specific AIS zebra and quagga mussels, as well as Eurasian water milfoil. It became evident there was a need for expansion due to the ecologic and economic risks facing the entire province. In response, the Government of Alberta created the AIS Program, which focuses on the ...
Green Energy Futures
This Alberta-based online multi-media storytelling project documents the clean energy revolution by sharing inspiring, fact-based stories of people engaged with clean energy solutions in their homes, businesses and communities. In three years, GEF has created the single-best collection of video, audio and written content on clean energy in Canada. This popular suite of online content has helped educators, individuals, entrepreneurs, civic leaders and media understand, appreciate and get involved with ...
Mammoet Canada Western Ltd
When it comes to environmental stewardship, Mammoet Canada Western Ltd leads by example. Through their Triple Bottom Line approach to sustainability, which focuses on People, Planet, and Profit, the heavy-lifting and transport company is committed to reducing their global footprint through responsible resource management. Auxiliary Power Pack Units and GPS devices have been installed on all heavy equipment to significantly reduce idling time during harsh Alberta winters. Customized reports provide ...
Legacy Pointe in La Perle Secondary Suites Project
City of Edmonton Corporate Properties Branch
The Legacy Pointe Built Green/Secondary Suite Pilot project demonstrates an innovative and sustainable reuse of a surplus school sites. The project provides valuable neighbourhood infill and density with construction of energy-efficient, BuiltGreen homes containing secondary rental suites. Legacy Pointe is an attainable housing project with new owners eligible for Cornerstone Grants of up to $20,000 providing they agree to rent to persons of median income for five years.
Preserving our lands; Preserving our Legacy
Edmonton and Area Land Trust
The Edmonton and Area Land Trust EALT is Alberta’s newest conservancy, conserving and stewarding land in the Edmonton region. Land conservation focuses inside a hundred kilometer radius of the city. In city regions, land is expensive, yet in less than five years, they have secured five properties totaling 1,000 acres of healthy ecosystems. This speaks to their capacity, as well as to the generous contributions of the citizens they serve. ...
Avian Conservation
Erin Bayne
A 20 year Body of Work
Clean Air Strategic Alliance (CASA)