Posts Categorized: Youth

Strathmore High School Community Greenhouse

The Strathmore High School Community Greenhouse stands as a beacon of sustainable education and community engagement. This unique project, nestled in Strathmore and Wheatland County, embodies a forward-thinking approach to environmental stewardship, education, and community development.

At its core, the greenhouse serves as a free community space fostering mentorship between high school students and diverse community groups. It offers tours, workshops, and practical lessons on sustainable practices, ...

Alana Tollenaar

Backyard Birds Nature Shop

Driven by her remarkable passion for the environment and community, Alana Tollenaar, at the age of 21, opened Backyard Birds Nature Shop in 2021. Her shop aims to foster a deep connection between people and nature through high-quality bird-feeding products, nature-inspired gifts, and community-based activities. Founded with the vision of creating a vibrant community where individuals of all backgrounds can explore, learn, and appreciate the beauty of nature, the ...

Strathmore High School Community Greenhouse

Strathmore High School

The SHS Community Greenhouse is a public space that is rich in learning opportunities around nutrition, soil health, renewable energy, composting, and agriculture among others.  This space was designed and built by Strathmore High School students and staff beginning in the fall of 2021 in collaboration with community members.

SHS staff and students wanted to redesign how public spaces are utilized.  The SHS Community Greenhouse operates off-grid, ...

Monica Figueroa: Edmonton youth climate activist

Edmonton Youth For Climate

EYFC is a grassroots youth organization whose mission is to educate, engage, and empower all people in the Edmonton area to take action on climate change. They have organized over 10 student climate strikes in the City of Edmonton and engaged with the municipal government to legislate and fund Edmonton’s Energy Transition Strategy. Monica Figueroa has been a leader in Edmonton Youth For Climate (EYFC) for over 4 years ...

New Myrnam School | Energy & Environmental Sustainability Projects in Action

New Myrnam School

For the past 6 years, New Myrnam school has undertaken a series of challenging projects that have not only educated their students and community but have had a lasting environmental impact.

Over the years the School has worked on numerous sustainability projects, including:

A Sustainable Greenhouse Project Designing Renewable Energy Systems Reducing New Myrnam School’s Footprint Though Community Collaboration ...

The Power of Skate

Next Step High School

The Power of Skate is a student-led project that is built around environmental sustainability and conservation. We create skateboards and goods that are centered around what’s important to us and the world at large.

In The Power of Skate program, students create their own brand that engages in energy conservation topics that are important to them. In turn, they create brands that promote their cause. Students explore ...

The Alberta Youth Leaders for Environmental Education

Initiated in 2016, the Alberta Youth Leaders for Environmental Education (AYLEE) is a collaborative, inclusive program for students grades 7-12 that demonstrates leadership in environmental education and climate action.

AYLEE provides members with opportunities to connect with like-minded youth; learn about the environment and climate change; collaborate on projects that advance climate action and climate education, and take action within their schools to help build a ...

Lives With Less Plastic – Jade Janzen

In Grade 7, Jade completed a Social Studies plastic. The amount of single use plastic that is used by individuals in Canada bothered her and she wanted to do something about it. 

She began talking to businesses,  councillors and the mayor of Cochrane,  and  gave  a presentation to Town Council asking them to ban single use plastic bags and straws. Shortly after that, the Federal government announced ...


PlantForever was founded in 2017 by environmentalist Marmik Patel, who was 15 at the time. When Marmik noticed a potential for urban forest development on private property, he decided to take action. A year after planting his first tree, he incorporated PlantForever as a nonprofit. Over the next year, Marmik established a system for tree planting, where homeowners register, and volunteers plant at their home. It was at this ...

Sustainability Leadership Council

MacEwan University


MacEwan University’s Office of Sustainability launched the Sustainability Leadership Council (SLC) in 2016 as a means for students to make their dream sustainability projects come to life. The SLC’s volunteer squad has grown from 10 to 35 people and has been involved in over 20 projects since its inception.

Since 2017, the SLC has partnered with the City of Edmonton’s Compost Doctor to host four ...