Posts Categorized: 2016

Bringing Environment into the Classroom: Environmental Law 101 in Alberta High Schools

Environmental Law Centre (Alberta) Society

This program aligns environmental law with Alberta’s high school social studies curriculum and the Alberta Government’s Climate Leadership Plan. It helps young Albertans understand and exercise their environmental legal rights and responsibilities as future leaders and responsible stewards of our Province.  Incorporating environmental law into the high school curriculum builds teacher capacity and increases students’ understanding of their responsible citizenship role vis-a-vis environment and climate change issues in Alberta, Canada ...

Quest Carbon Capture & Storage

Shell Canada Energy

The Quest Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) project, which began operations in 2015, captures and stores more than one million tonnes of CO2 per year from the Shell Scotford Upgrader. That is up to 35% of the direct CO2 emissions produced during the upgrading process and is equivalent to the emissions of about 250,000 cars. The CO2 is then transported by a 65-km pipeline to three wells located in Thorhild ...

Solar PV Incentive Program

Town of Banff

Energy consumption from the grid is Banff’s largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. The national park municipality has quickly become a national leader in solar, including what was until recently the largest system in the Bow Valley area on its Town Hall. In early 2015, Banff became Canada’s first municipality to offer a production incentive (feed-in tariff) for solar PV. The town offered seven-year support agreements to its citizens, and ...

Melvin Mathison

Lakeland College

Melvin Mathison joined Lakeland College in 1989 as an instructor in agriculture and environmental sciences. In 2005, he became the Dean of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, which allowed him to develop his passion for enhancing the learning opportunities available at Lakeland College in the areas of agriculture and environmental sciences. Over the course of his ten years of leadership, Lakeland developed many new programs, built several new buildings, and established ...

Roy and Judy Louis

Battle River First Nation Blessing of the Water Ceremony

Roy and Judy Louis have a strong spiritual belief that water is to be considered living and must be respected. The Samson Cree Nation has a variety of cultural and social practices that involve water, which Roy and Judy strive to bring to light for their fellow First Nations as well as non-aboriginal people. Roy and Judy Louis’ work in building relationships between all people has skyrocketed over the last ...

Jerry Brunen

Western Sky Land Trust Society

Jerry Brunen has served Alberta’s environmental community for 35 years. In 1987 with Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC), Jerry successfully led the First Step Initiative, a continental program to manage migratory birds under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, surrounding the Buffalo Lake Moraine, creating a chain of migratory support for waterfowl. He negotiated and managed the restoration of Weed Lake by rallying Rocky View County, the Western Irrigation District and ...

Beaver Hills Initiative

The Beaver Hills Initiative (BHI) is a multi-stakeholder collaboration comprised of four municipalities (Strathcona County, Lamont County, Beaver County, Leduc County), the federal and provincial governments, indigenous communities, academia, non-governmental organizations, and industry. Members came together in 2002 in recognition of the Beaver Hills’ distinct moraine landscape, to promote a bioregional approach to land management that will conserve the landscape, while integrating social, economic, cultural elements in harmony with the ...

ALUS in Alberta

ALUS Canada is a community-led, farmer-delivered program that supports stewardship activities on agricultural lands. With the generous support of The W. Garfield Weston Foundation, ALUS programs are established in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Prince Edward Island—where it is run by the Province. In all ALUS communities, farmers and ranchers obtain support to enable them to produce valuable ecological goods and services on their lands, via such activities as ...

Kelsey Armstrong

Storm Drain Survival Kits

At the young age of 14, Kelsey Armstrong envisioned, created and implemented the Storm Drain Survival Kits. With her passion and commitment to the environment, Kelsey has taken a unique solution and shared it with the watershed community in which she lives. The purpose of the Storm Drain Survival Kits: to get people to clean out the storm drains and gutters near their homes and schools. This is one huge ...

Hayley Todesco

Since the age of 10, Hayley has been trying to solve local environmental issues through science fair projects after Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” ignited her zeal for environmentalism. At the age of 16, this passion led her to tackle the environmental issues surrounding the oil sands in her home province, specifically the oil sands tailings ponds. Through a novel science fair project, she designed an inexpensive set of bioreactors ...