Posts Categorized: Red Deer

Circular Rubber Technologies: Becoming the First Devulcanization Facility for End-of-Life Mining Tires in the World

Circular Rubber Technologies

Circular Rubber’s mission is to positively impact the world by converting rubber waste into value, again and again, to be used in new high-performance rubber products. Rooted in sustainability, their vision aims for the infinite reuse of the world’s rubber, striving towards a circular future where rubber is continuously repurposed, contributing to a regenerative environment.

Circular Rubber offers services in devulcanizing end-of-life industrial tires, creating a devulcanized ...

Piper Creek Restoration Agriculture Project

ReThink Red Deer

The Piper Creek Restoration Agriculture Project (PCRAP) is a publicly accessible site demonstrating riparian restoration and urban agriculture on the edge of Red Deer. Working together under a shared vision of “Cultivating a healthy environment for all creatures from soil to sky” the PCRA Project is a collaboration between many partners:

The City of Red Deer Red Deer River Naturalists Red Deer River Watershed Alliance Living Lands ...

Aspen Heights MicroSociety


For the past six years, Aspen Heights MicroSociety (AHM) has embarked on a mission to transform their school and community through environmental Initiatives and projects with the students as the driving force behind their projects.

Aspen Heights Microsociety projects include: exploring their local watershed by raising and releasing of trout in a local pond, developing a recycling program that includes paper; cardboard, batteries, ...

Creating the Ultimate Environmental Experience

Aspen Heights MicroSociety

Through their MicroSociety Program, Aspen Heights Elementary School has been diligently working to provide their students with the Ultimate Science Learning Experience. Their Indoor Science Classroom, in conjunction with their Worm Wranglers business venture, has placed an emphasis on recycling and education for their students. Their Bottle Depot is run by their students (K to 5) and is sponsored by the Alberta Bottle Depot Association. Students also take ...

NOVA Chemicals Community Nature Trail

NOVA Chemicals

In 2013, NOVA Chemicals announced it would create an environmental legacy project to commemorate a significant milestone for the company. The outcome is the NOVA Chemicals Community Nature Trail – opened in Fall 2015 – an 89-hectare (220-acre) area that reflects the province’s Water for Life strategy and wetland policies. The area near their Joffre Site petrochemical facilities demonstrates how wildlife habitat, agricultural, industrial and recreational land uses can exist ...