Posts Categorized: Calgary

E2 Street Lighting Program

City of Calgary


We all know about the savings that come from switching out home light bulbs in hanging fixtures and lamps to LED, so imagine what can be saved when an entire city retrofits street lights with LED luminaires? That’s just what Calgary has done with a four-year, $32 million project, laying claim to the largest LED retrofit in Canadian municipal history (and even finishing the project 1.5 years ...

Regional Industry Caribou Collaboration

Devon Canada

caribou copyThe Regional Industry Caribou Collaboration (RICC) was born of necessity. Because boreal woodland caribou are a threatened species, and because their large ranges overlap with oil, gas and timber resources in Alberta, a group of energy and forestry companies in the Cold Lake and East Side Athabasca River (ESAR) caribou ranges of northeast Alberta chose to go beyond individual efforts.

Formed in 2012 when Devon Canada Corp. ...

Bike to Work Day

Lonny Balbi

Lonny Balbi, Bike to Work DayLonny Balbi offers the secret of success for Calgary’s Bike to Work Day, a one-day event now in its 12th year with over 5,000 participants peddling into the city core – keep it simple.

Long advised to have registration fees and sponsors, Balbi has instead kept the event bare-bones, determined that anyone can hop on a bike that day and ride for the fun of it. Hosting ...

Alberta Paint Recycling

Calibre Environmental Ltd

IMG_5167What began 16 years ago when painting contractor Calibre Environmental Ltd. wanted to find an innovative way to deal with leftover paint, is now a company reaching the three million gallons of recycled paint mark, with six million kilograms of paint cans kept out of the waste stream.

Calibre Environmental Ltd. Is a key player in the Alberta Paint Stewardship Program, collecting post-consumer paint throughout Alberta and ...

The Barrelman Inc.

Dirk & Nanja Struck

Barrel ManTalk about inspiring—leaving a job (and pension) just three years before retirement because you see a need for change. That’s the story of Dirk and Nanja Struck, whose dedication to sustainable living set them on a different path 20 years ago, one that helps Calgarians live in a more environmentally-friendly way.

The Barrelman is a small family business that produces rain barrels from food grade barrels that ...

Green Building Technologies Lab and Demonstration Centre

SAIT ARIS Green Building Technologies

SAITSAIT’s Green Building Technologies (GBT) Lab and Demonstration Centre is Calgary’s first net-zero commercial building—a living research lab that is an innovative example for the green building and structure sector to see, feel and understand how to design, build and live more sustainably. Working with government and industry partners and available for research and development to post-secondary students (capstone projects) and for public tours, the GBT Lab is getting ...

Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre Education Program

Alberta Environment and Parks

Your Day, Your WayCalgary students and residents know the gem they have in the Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre. For over 35 years, its home in a 1,300 hectare urban park has connected people with nature: the birds, animals and landscape not only create an outdoor classroom for 15,000 students each year, it’s also a space for the 180,000 residents in 18 communities bordering the park to enjoy cycling or a walk. ...

Weaselhead/Glenmore Park Preservation Society

Weaselhead_Glenmore_ParkFrom annual park clean-ups to an invasive plant program, the Weaselhead/Glenmore Park Preservation Society aims to protect and maintain Calgary’s urban spaces for the benefit and enjoyment of all and to protect and maintain the rich biodiversity and natural ecosystems of the area. Community stewardship is paramount–5,000 students and adults (and 250 volunteers) participate in the Society’s education programs each year—inspiring many to a lifelong love for and care ...

Bullfrog Power

Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading green energy provider, offers individuals and businesses clean, renewable energy solutions. By choosing Bullfrog Power’s green energy, Canadians can reduce their environmental impact, support the development of new, community-based renewable energy projects across the country and help transition Canada to a cleaner, healthier future. Together with its customers, Bullfrog is helping to reshape the energy landscape in Canada. When homes or businesses sign up ...

Regional Industry Caribou Collaboration

Devon Canada

Boreal woodland caribou populations are listed as “threatened” under Canada’s Species At Risk Act. In Alberta, their large ranges also overlap with significant oil, gas and timber resources. Due to their wide-ranging nature, caribou recovery requires a coordinated approach, implemented at the caribou range scale, to be most effective. The Regional Industry Caribou Collaboration (RICC) is a group of energy and forestry companies operating in the Cold Lake ...