
  • Nose Creek Watershed Partnership – Celebrating 25-Years of Watershed Planning, Policy and Action

    The Nose Creek Watershed Partnership (NWCP) was formed in 1998 to protect riparian areas and manage streamflows in the Nose Creek watershed to mitigate the impacts of flood and drought and improve water quality for water users and aquatic life. The NCWP has positively impacted the environment and continues to build resiliency through watershed-scale collaboration,…

  • W.I.L.D. Program for Outdoor Adventuring

    In Australia, some schools include semesters spent at remote outdoor campuses where hiking and kayaking are regular features of the curriculum. When Nancy Pollard returned after a few years teaching in the land down under, she wanted to bring that style of education to Canada. “I just thought we have to make this happen,” Pollard…

  • Software Platform Enables GHG Reductions at Scale

    Carbon Credit Solutions Inc. has created the most successful software platform for measuring, reporting and verifying GHG emission reductions on the planet. Their organization has grown revenue 1460% in 5 years, reducing the equivalent of one-million cars off the road in emissions.

  • Carbon Credits Solutions Inc.

    Carbon Credit Solutions Inc. (CCSI) has gone from start up to Canada’s most successful clean tech company, growing a whopping 805 per cent since 2014 and becoming the largest aggregator of carbon credits in North America. The 40-member CCSI staff (and growing) are global leaders, with an advanced software platform for measuring, reporting and verifying…