
  • Carbon Credits Solutions Inc.

    Carbon Credit Solutions Inc. (CCSI) has gone from start up to Canada’s most successful clean tech company, growing a whopping 805 per cent since 2014 and becoming the largest aggregator of carbon credits in North America. The 40-member CCSI staff (and growing) are global leaders, with an advanced software platform for measuring, reporting and verifying…

  • Natural Leaders Project

    Bridging the gap in environmental education that can exist between teachers and students, government and community groups, Lethbridge’s Natural Leaders Project (NLP) unites all elements in an immersive, year-long environmental leadership experience–transforming engaged citizens into natural leaders. Using field trips, case studies, guest speakers and social action projects with a ‘where we live, what we…

  • Weaselhead/Glenmore Park Preservation Society

    From annual park clean-ups to an invasive plant program, the Weaselhead/Glenmore Park Preservation Society aims to protect and maintain Calgary’s urban spaces for the benefit and enjoyment of all and to protect and maintain the rich biodiversity and natural ecosystems of the area. Community stewardship is paramount–5,000 students and adults (and 250 volunteers) participate in…

  • Mission Replant Fort McMurray

    Fort McMurray junior high students Chintan Desai and Krish Shah aren’t your everyday 14 year-olds. After wildfires ravaged the area in 2016, the pair—who had already been part of the RM of Wood Buffalo’s Green Teen program—wanted to do something to help replenish what nature had taken away. The result was Eco YOLO: Eco, for…

  • Redemptive Developments

    When Redemptive Developments (RD) started as a social enterprise in Edmonton seven years ago, its aim was to create employment, help diminish poverty and invest in the community. Becoming one of the biggest mattress recyclers in Western Canada was never on the radar.  But that’s what has happened. In 2011, under the umbrella of its…

  • Waterton Biosphere – Carnivores and Communities Program

    Government, land owners, producers—it’s tough to bring people and groups together and agree on how to address a problem. In this case, it’s about the increasing conflicts between large carnivores and agricultural land users in southwest Alberta. But, using neighbour-to-neighbour coffee table discussions and with research and government support, the Waterton Biosphere Reserve’s Carnivores and…