
  • The Green Medium

    The Green Medium (, an environmental awareness blog, showcases a collective of youth “Resident Writers” that write for the blog on environmentally related topics that they are passionate about. The overall mission of the blog is to increase environmental literacy and awareness as well as to engage an audience that may not be conscious of…

  • Foothills Stream Crossing Partnership

    In 2005, a group of companies and government agencies came together under the umbrella of fRI Research with the goal of developing a better system to inventory, manage and repair stream crossings. The Foothills Stream Crossing Partnership (FSCP), a multi-industry partnership with the objective of improving the condition and performance of stream crossings by inventorying,…

  • Aspen Heights MicroSociety

      For the past six years, Aspen Heights MicroSociety (AHM) has embarked on a mission to transform their school and community through environmental Initiatives and projects with the students as the driving force behind their projects. Aspen Heights Microsociety projects include: exploring their local watershed by raising and releasing of trout in a local pond,…

  • The Mosaic Centre for Conscious Community and Commerce

    The Mosaic Centre for Conscious Community and Commerce is Alberta’s first net-zero commercial office building, which opened in the Edmonton community of Summerside in February 2015. Since then, it has been dubbed Edmonton’s “crown jewel” of sustainable construction, as well as a model of a triple bottom line commercial building – capturing the essence of…

  • Root For Trees

    Root for Trees, an enhanced tree planting program, works to preserve and expand Edmonton’s urban forest through partnerships with corporations, community groups, and individual residents. Edmontonians are invited to participate in tree-planting events where they are provided with all the materials required for an exciting and educational day in nature. Volunteer groups involved in planting…

  • Recycling Without Limits

    In 1995, the Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta (CPAA) established a clothing donation program to generate revenues that would provide funding support for the valuable services offered to its members. Through a partnership with Value Village, donations of gently used clothing and small household items dropped off at bins placed around the community are exchanged…

  • Wild Rose Consulting Inc.

      Ann Smreciu is a champion of native plants. For more than 30 years she has worked to re-establish Alberta’s native plants on disturbed lands, from dams and utility corridors to landfills and mine spoils. At the outset of her career, relatively few species could be considered for such projects because supplies of viable seed…

  • Solar PV Incentive Program

    Energy consumption from the grid is Banff’s largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. The national park municipality has quickly become a national leader in solar, including what was until recently the largest system in the Bow Valley area on its Town Hall. In early 2015, Banff became Canada’s first municipality to offer a production incentive (feed-in tariff) for solar PV. The town…

  • Jerry Brunen

    Jerry Brunen has served Alberta’s environmental community for 35 years. In 1987 with Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC), Jerry successfully led the First Step Initiative, a continental program to manage migratory birds under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, surrounding the Buffalo Lake Moraine, creating a chain of migratory support for waterfowl. He negotiated and managed the restoration of Weed Lake…

  • ALUS in Alberta

    ALUS Canada is a community-led, farmer-delivered program that supports stewardship activities on agricultural lands. With the generous support of The W. Garfield Weston Foundation, ALUS programs are established in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Prince Edward Island—where it is run by the Province. In all ALUS communities, farmers and ranchers obtain support to enable them to produce…