Posts Categorized: Camrose

Newo Global Energy

Newo is a non-profit social enterprise exploring ways to share abundance (Wêyôtan) through harmonious relationships (Wahkohtowin), and these foundational Cree principles guide our business practices:

Wahkohtowin: “We are all kin.” There are interwoven relationships between people, land, plants and animals, and our sense of responsibility to each other, our kinship ties, should determine our actions in the world and build foundations for our life together. Wêyôtan: ...

Finding Common Ground: Exploring Energy Options and Opportunities in the Battle River Watershed

Battle River Watershed Alliance


The Battle River Watershed Alliance (BRWA) has a focus that extends far beyond just its lakes and rivers. The non-profit develops innovative ways for the public to connect with broader issues that impact their watershed region. In 2017, the BRWA created a government sponsored project with three distinct parts: The Finding Common Ground bike tour, documentary film, and community conversation series.

When ...

University-Based Community Service-Learning for the Environment

University of Alberta – Augustana Campus

The University of Alberta’s Augustana campus embraces community service-learning (CSL) to create significant environmental achievements on campus and throughout the Camrose community engagement. As a high-impact learning strategy, the objectives of CSL are to integrate meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. Of the 2657 CSL placements completed since 2007, 36% had an environmental focus, which supported 67 local ...

Camrose Wildlife and Greenspace Stewardship Project

Camrose Wildlife and Stewardship Society

This volunteer-based society is making the City of Camrose’s vision of “a greenspace network that enhances community values and quality of life for [city] residents” a reality. Since 2002, the CWSS increased community knowledge and engagement through interpretive events, high-profile stewardship activities, research projects, and an annual wildlife festival. In 2014, the city adopted a Municipal Greenspace Plan to enhance the management of greenspace and wildlife species, especially their flagship ...