Posts Categorized: Emerald Challenge: INNOVATION

Mattress Recycling


Mattresses take up huge amounts of space in landfills and cannot be compressed because the metal springs are very hard on landfill equipment. Mattresses have a compaction rate 400% less than regular garbage and they can take decades to decompose, causing additional strain on landfills. Generally, each mattress contains steel springs, foam, wood, felt and cotton. Re-Matt has found a solution. The first company in Alberta offering mattress-recycling ...

Worthington Water Closet

Worthington Construction Ltd

Worthington Construction Ltd. (WCo.), which has been providing construction services in the residential, industrial and agricultural sectors since 1979, is expanding its business offerings by developing and manufacturing an innovative, off-grid, portable washroom product, the Worthington Water Closet (WWC). The WWC is uniquely designed and uses multiple sustainable-building technologies, including desiccating bio-digester technology, rainwater harvesting, solar-thermal heating, solar electricity and battery storage, and pre-manufactured envelope techniques for increased ...

The Mosaic Centre for Conscious Community and Commerce

Cuku’s Nest Enterprises Ltd.

The Mosaic Centre for Conscious Community and Commerce is Alberta’s first net-zero commercial office building, which opened in the Edmonton community of Summerside in February 2015. Since then, it has been dubbed Edmonton’s “crown jewel” of sustainable construction, as well as a model of a triple bottom line commercial building – capturing the essence of sustainability by measuring its impact on the world in three parts: profitability, social/human, ...

Bringing Environment into the Classroom: Environmental Law 101 in Alberta High Schools

Environmental Law Centre (Alberta) Society

This program aligns environmental law with Alberta’s high school social studies curriculum and the Alberta Government’s Climate Leadership Plan. It helps young Albertans understand and exercise their environmental legal rights and responsibilities as future leaders and responsible stewards of our Province.  Incorporating environmental law into the high school curriculum builds teacher capacity and increases students’ understanding of their responsible citizenship role vis-a-vis environment and climate change issues in Alberta, Canada ...

Quest Carbon Capture & Storage

Shell Canada Energy

The Quest Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) project, which began operations in 2015, captures and stores more than one million tonnes of CO2 per year from the Shell Scotford Upgrader. That is up to 35% of the direct CO2 emissions produced during the upgrading process and is equivalent to the emissions of about 250,000 cars. The CO2 is then transported by a 65-km pipeline to three wells located in Thorhild ...

Solar PV Incentive Program

Town of Banff

Energy consumption from the grid is Banff’s largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. The national park municipality has quickly become a national leader in solar, including what was until recently the largest system in the Bow Valley area on its Town Hall. In early 2015, Banff became Canada’s first municipality to offer a production incentive (feed-in tariff) for solar PV. The town offered seven-year support agreements to its citizens, and ...