Nominations FAQ

Are you working on your Emerald Awards nomination and have a question? We’ve compiled a list of our frequently asked questions that can hopefully help!

Don’t see the answer to your question? Email Sabrina, our Communications & Outreach Coordinator, at

Who should i get to provide a reference letter for my nomination?
The third-party reference should be provided by someone who is familiar with the work but not directly involved.

What should my reference write in their letter?
As a guiding principle, the reference letter should validate the information you provide in your nomination itself and share the individual’s thoughts on how themselves, the community, and/or the environment were impacted.

Which category should I nominate in?
When choosing a category to nominate in, ask yourself: what story do I want to tell with this nomination? If you’re wanting to tell the story of your organization as a whole, consider nominating in one of our legacy categories (a full list of these can be found here). If you’re wanting to tell the story of a specific project or initiative, consider nominating in one of our project/initiative categories (a full list of these can be found here).

Can I nominate again even if I’ve won an Emerald Award before?
As long as you are nominating for a different body of work than the one that you won for in the past, you can absolutely nominate again!