Emerald Youth Grants

Thanks to the generous support of Pathways Alliance, we’re excited to announce the return of the Emerald Youth Grant program for 2025!

Applications are now open

The Emerald Youth Grant program empowers youth aged 5-25 across Alberta to take on environmental projects that inspire change and foster environmental stewardship. Each grant provides up to $1,000 in funding to support meaningful initiatives.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Group Projects: Your project must involve more than one participant
  2. Youth-Led: Participants must be aged 5-25, excluding group leaders or mentors
  3. Alberta-Focused: Projects must occur within Alberta
  4. Timeline: Projects must be completed by June 1, 2025

Key Dates

  • Application Deadline: May 4, 2025
  • Project Completion Deadline: June 1, 2025
  • Final Report Submission Deadline: June 18, 2025

Before starting your application, please review our applicant guide, which will help you navigate the application process and ensure your submission has all the information we need to evaluate your project.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many grants are available?

The EYG grant pool consists of $15,000. The total number of grants distributed will depend on the amount of funding requested from applicants. Once the total grant pool is distributed, the EYG program will stop accepting applications.

Can I request more than $1,000?

No. If your total project budget exceeds $1,000 you must indicate how additional funds will be sourced.

Can I apply even if I’ve received an EYG grant in the past?

Yes, as long as you are applying for a new project.

What happens after I submit my application?

The Alberta Emerald Foundation reviews applications and makes granting decisions on the first Monday of each month. Please plan your submission accordingly.

For example: If you need your project funds by April 1, 2025, submit your application before March 2, 2025, to ensure it is reviewed on March 3, 2025.Applicants will be notified of the outcome by the end of the first week of the month in which their application is reviewed.

If you have questions or need assistance with your application, please contact our Communications and Engagement Specialist, Sabrina!

Previous Recipients

Get inspired through examples of previous EYG projects!

Microbial Fuel Cell Challenge

Aaron and Justin, two brothers from Calgary, created the Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) challenge to help over 100 grade 5 students learn about sustainability and renewable energy sources. Together in groups, students used an MFC kit to generate electricity using microbes that exist in normal garden soil over the course of a few weeks. Once their MFCs were generating electricity they presented to their peers and a panel of judges on how an MFC works and what they learned from the challenge.

Interpretive Signage Installation

Together with their teacher, Kara Rowley, 25 Grade Three and Four students researched, designed, and installed interpretive signage along a walkway from their school to a wild space. The signage highlights the importance of living well with and on the land and making space for all living beings that need it.

“Without the support of the Emerald Youth Grant Program, we would not have been able to being our project out into the world in a permanent and professional way. Our Emerald Grant covered the cost of our sign printing and helped my students and myself share our outdoor pathway sign project with our larger community.” – Kara Rowley

Creating Renewable Energy Vehicles at New Myrnam School

With the help of their teacher, Robert Tymofichuk, 20 middle school students refurbished pre-owned golf carts by installing solar panels, turning them into renewable energy vehicles! With a full charge, the golf carts can travel 8 km without the solar panel, and depending on the sunlight available, the range will be extended.