The RenuWell Project

The RenuWell Project, a collaborative initiative involving seven organizations, aims to repurpose inactive oil & gas sites for small-scale solar photovoltaic installations. The project’s mission is to prove the feasibility, scalability, and transferability of this concept while considering various stakeholders’ interests.

Key objectives of the pilot include increasing distributed solar generation, conserving land for agriculture, accelerating oilfield reclamation, supporting local employment and economic diversification, and generating revenue for municipalities, landowners, and irrigation districts.

As of February 2024, RenuWell Project partners have successfully deployed two pilots within the MD of Taber, with a combined installed capacity of 1.45 MW, equivalent to powering 300 homes or 90 quarter-section pivot irrigation systems, resulting in significant greenhouse gas emission savings.

The project involves various services provided by collaborating organizations:

  • The Municipal District of Taber facilitated the supportive policy framework for project development.
  • Irrigation Canal Power Co-operative Ltd. (IRRICAN Power) owns and operates the community solar generation assets.
  • Iron & Earth and Medicine Hat College developed and delivered the RenuWell Workforce Training Program.
  • RenuWell Energy Solutions Inc. initiated the project concept, led the stakeholder engagement and managed pilot execution.
  • SkyFire Energy Inc. constructed the solar installations, while Canadian Solar provided support at the outset.



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