
Category: Small Business
Year: 2020
Result: Finalist
Location: Edmonton

EcoAmmo believes every project and person can make an impact on the environment and the health of the Earth. From their work on sustainable construction projects, carbon monitoring, environmental policy writing, and education, EcoAmmo is committed to their purpose of “Transitioning the World Towards Sustainability”.

Established in 2006, EcoAmmo is based out of Edmonton, in the first Net Zero LEED Platinum office building in Alberta. They are a leader in the industry, certifying over 30% of all LEED projects within Edmonton.

EcoAmmo’s team presents at events across North America sharing knowledge. Their focus is now often the intersection of sustainability and culture where utilizing collaboration and strengths contributes to projects being on time, under budget, and sustainable all while having fun. In keeping with their focus on social aspects, EcoAmmo has recently completed a third party social justice and equity evaluation becoming a JUST organization.

You will likely recognize the EcoAmmo team from TEDx talks, Green Building Awards, Avenue Magazine, Edmonton Journal, AlbertaVenture, NAIT billboards and bus ads. They are a small team but “never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead



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