Higher education plays a key role demonstrating and advancing sustainability in society. To advance the University of Alberta’s performance, the Board of Governors endorsed the campus sustainability initiative in 2008 and creation of the Office of Sustainability. Launched in 2009, the office delivers programs in three focus areas: outreach & engagement, academic teaching & research and facilities & operations. This nomination concentrates on the outreach & engagement focus area which: delivers projects that build sustainability skills and knowledge; connects people to information, experts, tools and funding; profiles and promotes campus initiatives; crafts meaningful partnerships and builds action-oriented programs. Since its launch, the program has achieved: silver rating in the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS™); 2011 Case Study Award from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE); 2012 Community Partner of the Year Award from Goodwill; Canada’s Greenest Employer designation 2009-2012; and three Green Keys for the Lister Conference Centre and Guest Suites.
Office of Sustainability, University of Alberta
Government Institution