The Belgravia Green Net Zero Project was initiated in 2008 by Belgravia residents Jeanette Boman and Kevin Taft who love their community. They engaged Effect Home Builders to transform two derelict houses on adjacent lots into three innovative world-class ultra-efficient homes. This improved their neighbourhood, engaged their community and inspired local green initiatives. In a collaborative effort, the team designed and built the homes so they approach or achieve a net-zero-energy goal. Net-zero-energy houses produce as much energy per year as they consume. They captured the attention of the public through extensive media coverage, many tours and winning multiple local, provincial and national awards. Hands-on educational sessions continue to be given to elementary, high school and post-secondary students, teachers, utility companies, government departments, home builders and other groups. The team’s goal is to share what they’ve learned while generating awareness on how energy- and resource-efficient housing can serve society.
Net Zero Energy Project
Public Education and Outreach