The Montane Elk Program is committed to research ensuring the environmentally sound development of Alberta’s energy resources. With a particular focus on mitigating the effects of energy development on elk in southwest Alberta, the project has become the world’s largest radiotelemetry study on elk. Mitigating the ecological effects of energy development is achieved by sharing roads with the ranching and timber-harvesting industries and by gating and reclaiming roads to natural gas wells in the Forest Reserve north of Waterton Lakes National Park. The Montane Elk Program has documented the efficacy of access management for the enhancement of habitats for elk and other high-profile species, including grizzly bears, wolves and cougars. Research is underway by scientists at the University of Alberta, University of Calgary and Oregon State University. Substantial investments by Shell, NSERC, the provincial government, Alberta Conservation Association and several additional stakeholders have made this project possible.
Montane Elk Project
Shared Footprints Award
Finalist, Recipient