The ConocoPhillips Canada Energy Efficiency Program was established in 2008 to implement energy efficient technology at a large number of well sites and facilities spanning from northeast British Columbia to southeast Alberta. The program’s goal is to make a significant reduction in the company’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions footprint. With the assistance of a grant from the Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation (CCEMC) in 2011, this program has now implemented over 1,870 such projects, for a cumulative emissions reduction of 470,000+ tonnes CO2e per year – the equivalent of taking approximately 98,000+ cars off the road. These projects include technologies that capture and utilize waste heat and normally-vented methane, improved control of the air-fuel ratio of compressor station engines, and replace natural gas-driven pumps with solar-powered alternatives. In 2015, ConocoPhillips Canada hosted a workshop with over 200+ representatives from peer companies, service providers, regulators, policy makers and other stakeholders to share learnings from its program.
Implementing and Sharing Energy Efficiency Innovation
Large Business
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