Fundraiser Sales

Category: Waste Management
Year: 2021
Result: Finalist, Shortlist
Location: Edmonton
Presented By: Alberta Recycling Management Authority & Beverage Container Management Board

Since 2001 Cleanit Greenit Composting Systems Inc. (Cleanit Greenit) has organized an annual Compost Sale Fundraiser Event in Edmonton and surrounding areas for non-profit groups.  Cleanit Greenit provides a unique opportunity for schools, community leagues and other non-profit organizations to raise funds while supporting the environment.

The program is designed as a simple and efficient fundraising program.  Cleanit Greenit provides participating groups with all the supplies needed and advertising. Groups get a truckload of compost from Cleanit Greenit, the volunteers from these groups (mostly young children and teenagers supervised by adults) then shovel the compost into bags, an activity that helps foster team work and the value of hard work. In turn raising funds for their yearly activities or projects and also educating themselves and others on the importance of composting and the beneficial impacts it can have on the environment and themselves.

Groups get to keep all the profit from their sales. In 2019 we helped raise over $57,000 for schools and non-profit organizations such as Zoe’s Animal Rescue, various Boy Scout groups, and community leagues in Edmonton and surrounding areas! In 2018 we helped raise over $63,500!

This year, we introduced pre-bagged compost into our program, so groups had the opportunity to choose between getting bulk compost and shoveling it into bags or ordering pre-bagged compost to sell.

We care about giving back to our community and taking care of our beautiful planet and environment. By composting, we are able to reduce the amount of waste going into landfills and turn it into a valuable resource, which is excellent for our lawns and gardens! This process also reduces greenhouse gas emissions from landfills.

Please contact us if you have any suggestions for a more environmentally friendly bag! We ask that our customers reuse their bags.

visit their website to learn more!



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