Social Work Connections for Disaster Recovery is a groundbreaking project aimed at fortifying resilience and adaptive capacity in the face of climate-related disasters while fostering knowledge and empowerment for climate action. Rooted in values such as dignity, social justice, and reconciliation, the project establishes the Social Work and Disaster (SWAD) Network in Alberta and beyond, providing essential training, workshops, and resources for practitioners and professionals.
By focusing on community capacity building throughout the disaster cycle, from preparedness to recovery, the project addresses systemic barriers and promotes an understanding of the vulnerabilities and risks experienced by children, youth, and marginalized groups. Through a holistic approach encompassing disaster preparedness, trauma-informed practice, and equity promotion, the project ensures that social workers and human service professionals are equipped to support individuals and communities effectively.
With a commitment to education, the project has pioneered the world’s first social work and disaster network, attracting members from across Canada and internationally. Its impact extends beyond training and professional development to advocacy, public engagement, and social connections, fostering a collaborative environment for knowledge sharing and support.